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Showing posts from September, 2019
THE MYTH OF THE NOBLE/GOOD SAVAGE Painting of a representation of the noble/good savage by George Catlin  ⋆The noble savage is a common romanticized stereotype of various indigenous peoples. The visual trappings and associations change depending on the culture, but the underlying idea is constant:  The noble savage is portrayed as ignorant and simple-minded but simultaneously uncorrupted by any of the moral failings of modern civilization and possessing an innate wisdom and connection to nature .  A literary stock character who embodies the concept of  outsider, indigene,wild human, an "other" who has not been "corrupted" by civilization, who symbolizes                                              humanity's innate goodness. Thus, there is often a paradoxical quality to the way the stereotype is presented    neoclassical   history painting ,  depicting an idealized  Native American — in one way, the life of the n