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Showing posts from March, 2020
     Spaces and Exchanges     To begin with, we can clearly distinguish with this mind map, a distinction between different spaces. This is divided into 3 main categories: "exchanges", "real spaces" and "virtual spaces". These are then illustrated with examples. We will first see the distinction between real and virtual spaces and then we will study the exchanges that take place in these spaces. We can see that there are many spaces in the world that can be separated into real and virtual spaces. Indeed these spaces are numerous and can be differentiated but also marked by borders. As we can see in the real spaces, some of them are delimited (North/South, public and private, first world and third world, etc...) or present inequalities. It is therefore thanks to the exchanges that any type of space can be put in relation with the rest of the world. As far as virtual spaces are concerned, they are diverse and varied, and this is mainly done
Bac blanc: Lycée francais de Madrid Aurelia groleas TL      LVO                II- Expression ecrite  Sujet 1: Speech Ladies and gentlemen, guests, staff and friends, Thank you for being here today for the the inauguration ceremony of our brand new building.    It's a special moment for many of us, b ecause today, some dreams have come true.. As you know, five years ago, this station was just a symbol of the ruin of this city.  We literally started from scratch:  A city whose image was inatractive, lifeless, people apologized for knowing that others lived there... But I've always been proud of Detroit, I was looking at that train station thinking, what if?? What if all we were doing was restoring this fabulous building and making it sparkle...  That's what we did!   Today it has everything we could ever imagine: with cafés, restaurants and shops, as well as offices for up to 5,000 people on the upper floors.  It has become a public attraction