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NOTION: Places and forms of power



Snoop Lion - No Guns Allowed ft. Drake, Cori B - YouTube

Title: Snoop Lion - No Guns Allowed ft. Drake, Cori B

Nature: video, clip chanson

Publication date: 2013


Elephant - film 2003 - AlloCiné

Title: Elephant

Nature: film

Publication date: 2003

Personal DOC:

March for Our Lives - WikipediaMarch for oure lives. 

COUNTER-POWER: The March For Our Lives movement

An example of counter-power, against the use of weapons in America. In the face of all the chaos it can cause. The power of arms in this country is very much used. A lot of people have weapons. Which is a form of power because weapons control a lot of things by force.


What can we extent can we say that guns are ingrained in the U.S culture?

First of all I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. The power is a strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted, power is synonym of might. He can be exerted by different thing.

But especially the violence in US, an other act of power by firearms.
the culture, in America,of gun is considerate like the roots. It's a culture and like a tradition.
To aim a gun at somebody it is to subject him, to have the right of life and death on him.
Despite all slaughter, nothing changes because of big lobby like NRA who put pressure on government for not to forbid the sale of weapons. As a French citizen, don’ understand their way of thinking. For me to live in terror at school, see all its bloodshed is horrible.

We can see through these documents the power of song, and of the movements that are trying to fight, against the real power that threatens. In order to denounce firearms, an instrument that in some way has become part of American culture. 


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