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It’s an adept of sustainable development, locavorism brings consumers together around a simple idea:  
to eat exclusively local food. They are consumers of local products, who respect a dietary discipline and a way of life; that of eating products whose geographical origin is located less than 160 km from their plate. Refusing the abuses of globalization, wanting to make progress on the ecological front, locavores support the local economy. They prefer seasonal consumption from local producers. They fight, on their own scale, against ecological drift by limiting pollution linked to transport, the use of packaging and the abuse of pesticides, fertilizers and GMOs...

This is a chosen lifestyl with the concerns of the people who consider that within modern society, a utopian alternative. But let's look at a more specific way of life, In harmony with a modern vision of the good savage

My personal document:

Is not man the creation that needs socialization?

Totally excluded and from the population this woman made the choice of this way of life: 

Resultado de imagen de emma OrbachEmma Orbach of Wales has decided to leave everything she has and make the decision to stay in the forest. In the jungle she relies heavily on nature for her to continue living. The appearance and manner of dressing also look quite particular. Emma now lives in a simple and natural homemade of mud and wood, built his own hands.
Resultado de imagen de emma Orbach                                                          She is surrounded by nature without limitations where She do some activities there: She rears livestock and also cultivates small farms to meet her basic needs. 
Most people might assume what this woman does is crazy or absurd.. Who is willing to leave the comfort of living in the city just to live in the forest?  But for Emma she managed to find the happiness that she had never felt throughout her life in the city.

If she is happy with her chosen way, why should we judge the decision?

This woman has chosen this way of life, which we can appear  be wild and unusual. Few people would like to live in such a way, however, she has managed to find her inner peace. It is a choice that only she has made and loves to live in such a way. Totally isolated from  the outside world. We can a make a link with uncontacred tribes. Or should i sair Its history can be seen as a modern vision of the noble savage. 

Resultado de imagen de emma Orbach


  1. OK Aurelia but this post should have been published before the deadline!
    Things will be so much easier and much more profitable for you when you manage to comply with the rules established for every student in this speciality class...

  2. Aurelia, this blog post looks very attractive and interesting on the whole. It is well-designed and reveals some very serious personal homework.
    Now the challenge is for you to try and present it orally. Get prepared and everything will be alright!


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