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Free Post English philosophy and quotations: Nostalgic, dreamy, determined? After having talked about happiness in the baccalaureate type duty, through a carpe diem vision.  Based on the improvisation of living in the present moment. For this free and more 'personal' blog, I wanted to approach philosophy and great English quotes. I like what they give off, the depth that it sends back to us. Through short sentences, we can see by people known or not, things that catch our attention. This will make us think about the quotation in question. Whether it is by Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein and others... Let us talk about philosophy and great phrases throughout the English-speaking world. From the medieval period by Roger Bacon, the modern era with Thomas Hobbes, the classic trio of British empiricists John Locke, George Berkeley and David Hume or the 20th century by Bertrand Russell. I have selected various quotations that I liked, encouraging a certain
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NOTION & DOCUMENTS NOTION : Places and forms of power DOCUMENTS : DOC.1: Title: Snoop Lion - No Guns Allowed ft. Drake, Cori B Nature: video, clip chanson Publication date: 2013 DOC.2: Title: Elephant Nature: film Publication date: 2003 Personal DOC: March for oure lives.  COUNTER-POWER: The March For Our Lives movement An example of counter-power, against the use of weapons in America. In the face of all the chaos it can cause. The power of arms in this country is very much used. A lot of people have weapons. Which is a form of power because weapons control a lot of things by force. KEY ISSUE : W hat can we extent can we say that guns are ingrained in the U.S culture? First of all I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. The power is a strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted, power is synonym of might. He can be exerted by different thing.
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SPACES & EXCHANGES -  Exchanges in  Real Spaces & Virtual Spaces How far is the boundary between real and virtual spaces  becoming increasingly blurred nowadays?   - Description -  Meaning -  Conclusion: Link with Notion -  Ace Computer s  by  Harvey Schwadron:  First of all, we can see on this poster that we are in the street (in an ordinary way: a garbage can, car, shop...). On the right, a man is carrying a briefcase, he is standing in front of a computer shop which seems to interest him. We can see him taking a look at the shop which remains the key element of this poster.  At the front of this shop, we can read clearly: "Welcome, Eco-tourists! Why travel and add to pollution? Stay home and visit exotic travel web sites! " . This puts eco-tourist travellers in the spotlight, i.e. people who travel in an ecological way. Eco tourist is originally a company that organizes holidays in places of natural beauty in a way tha
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Bac blanc: Lycée francais de Madrid Aurelia groleas TL      LVO                II- Expression ecrite  Sujet 1: Speech Ladies and gentlemen, guests, staff and friends, Thank you for being here today for the the inauguration ceremony of our brand new building.    It's a special moment for many of us, b ecause today, some dreams have come true.. As you know, five years ago, this station was just a symbol of the ruin of this city.  We literally started from scratch:  A city whose image was inatractive, lifeless, people apologized for knowing that others lived there... But I've always been proud of Detroit, I was looking at that train station thinking, what if?? What if all we were doing was restoring this fabulous building and making it sparkle...  That's what we did!   Today it has everything we could ever imagine: with cafés, restaurants and shops, as well as offices for up to 5,000 people on the upper floors.  It has become a public attraction